Terms and Conditions
1. An applicant shall become a member upon payment of the membership dues and completion of the membership registration form.
2. Continuation of membership is by payment of the annual membership dues to the society.
3. Every member must uphold the constitution and comply with these bylaws.
4. Any membership in the society may be terminated by a special resolution of the directors. The notice of a special resolution for termination must be accompanied by a brief statement regarding the proposed termination.
5. Membership privileges include voting at any general meeting. Other privileges may be granted or changed, at the discretion of the directors.
6. The annual membership dues shall be determined at the annual general meeting.
Your tickets are being purchased from Filberg Heritage Lodge and Park (the organizer).
Tickit's services are limited to generating and delivering tickets and forwarding your payment to the organizer. Tickit’s fees for this service are non-refundable.
All communications or disputes regarding ticket order refunds, chargebacks, changes, disruptions and cancellation are between you and the organizer. Tickit will be not be liable or responsible in any way for refunds or chargebacks in connection with the organizer's events.